
Showing posts from February, 2023

March is upon us

 DOF Irish March In this photo I wanted to get the frost in the photo and to help some of the green to stand out just a little. This was tooken a little after golden hour around the school and it lined up prefectly with how everything went into focus In this one I tried to do the opposite of having the grass blurred out and the trees in focus. frezzing motion  All of these were my freeze motion of the 1000 acre lake land. It was when I got off work and decided to visit. The water was very active this day and when the sun wasn't shining one day there was foam and i almost touched it until i found out what type of foam it was. What I was thinking was what better way to capture frozen motion then going to bodies of water.

Warmer seasons are coming

   This photo was taken last year when spring first arrived. At the time when i took it I was trying o just have a close up on the flowers on the branch.  Still have the back of the rest of the tress in there just a little blured. I wanted the feather to stick out because I though it would be neat if the grass would surround this one feather. It was a real one so i couldn't. It was early moring with photo. When the sun started coming up at 5am. I call this my Thousand army of flowers. Even though it was only a small few by the fire deptment.  This was tooken early in the fall and that day it had been raining so i wanted the back blured and the main focus to be on the rain drop on the leaf and the leaf itself.


I just really like this photo because of the diffrent shapes it has in it. It not that much of a difference when it comes to color but the diffrent shapes make it pop as a photo by it self.  

Cold drops

I feel like this one is perfect because it looks like rain but as you look closer it really ice. So it looks like its just rain drops and seeing each piece of grass stick out makes it diffrent.  

It's a small world

  It remind me of a pixar  moment how everything around thi small thing is so big. It's a reminder that the world around us is so big.


I love winter and taking this photo will always remind me of it even though it didn't last very long. It only snows 3 times the entire year in tennessee.  

Animated classroom

  This setting made me think about anime horror animes to be specfic because before a peaceful scene before someone get hurt. I was going for a memory of what someone would be remember.